We were so lucky to spend three wonderful months with my family in Calgary this summer. As you all know Brad has Army camps to do, so I go home. However this spring we decided to jump ship from Brad's parents house and relocate for a few months. Family is family, but sometimes you just can't share a roof. That's all I'm going to say about that. That's a whole other blog.
While we were in Calgary I mooched a job off of my sister in law and worked for her. What a wonderful experience. She works with Adults with disabilities and opened my eyes to the true love in the world. I met so many amazing people that I will never forget. People who have touched my life and encourages me to live better and be more grateful for what I have. It was a job I will never forget and will hold dear to my heart.
During the summer Hannah turned five and Ainnsley turned two. It was fun to have birthdays with all our family however I fear with both being summer babies they will always be short changed with the parties. So one thing about my girls is as long as there's gifts, they don't care. With them turning older, their actions are older. I didn't think a two year old knew how to upper cut without being coached. At the end of the day the do love each other and are each other's best friends. We'll see how long that lasts.
After the fun summer we packed up and went back to Utah. Adam and Stacey were so thoughtful to bring us back as Brad had to leave to start school. We thought it would be smart if we drove through the night so the kids could sleep mostly. That worked until three am we were visited again by the "Baconater". Thank you Ethan. Thank goodness it wasn't in our car.
Brad and I had an apartment lined up, but we had about three days before we could take possession. We have a wonderful friend in our old Draper ward who was so kind to let us crash there. I love Julie. I could stay with her forever!!
We finally got into our apartment and got settled rather quickly. Hannah started Kindergarten at Grandview Elementary. She's in Mrs Crane's PM class and takes the bus everyday. I can't believe she's as big as she is.
With Hannah starting school and me not working it is just me and Ainnslers in the afternoon. I thought I would be lost with things to do but we were lucky enough to receive a big screen HD TV, thanks to hubby. So not much gets done, but allot gets watched!!
As we are approaching the end of Brad schooling it means our future is becoming more real. He has worked so hard and is graduating first of his class. DMG is Distinguished Military Graduate and will be on his Military Resume his whole career. So with that said he received his first choice for his branch which will be Armor. (tanks etc.) We don't know yet the base we will be stationed, but I've been assured it will be soon. It's exciting and scary at the same time.
Allot of changes ahead of us, but the biggest will be a new addition to our family this spring. The timing will be difficult, but all the mothers out there knows how wonderful having a baby is.
I'm all typed out. I can't say that this may happen again, but I certainly will try. Thank you all for your love and support. We miss you all dearly, and I will let you know where we're headed!!
The Herkimers♦