Monday, March 22, 2010


for those who know me, i will do anything for brownies. i love them!! love, love, love. but they are a main contributer for my extra poundage. recently we gave in to the p90x that is splattered all over the tv as of late. surprised to say i'm quite digging it. a great first week, if i do say so myself. however, on saturday i gave in easily, and made the girls what??? you guessed it. brownies. well i devoured them. i think i ate half a pan in two days.
good bye all my hard p90x work!!

so here's to a fresh, brownie- free week.

take care brownies. i'll see you in 90 days!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

the sun!!!

we have sun today!! i have lived in colder climate my whole life. hence the desire to move to texas. well central texas is a little different weather-wise compared to other parts of texas. i know it's wintertime, and it should be cold, however. when you think it's going to be warmer, it's a long and cold day when it's not. it has been grey skies for sooo loonng. i cannot believe the lack of motivation when the sky is grey. it's "sit on your couch and do nothing all day" weather.
so here's to the first of many sunny days!!