Tuesday, February 23, 2010

he's going to kill me......

but i just simply can not live without him. brad, my hubby.

i met brad on his mission. he was serving in the singles ward, which i rarely attended, in our stake. i was struggling with my testimony, and had a real negative attitude. i was really 'hard' with my tats and tounge ring, but elder herkimer wasn't put off.

one time, my parents were having a missionary's open house and the elders were invited. elder herkimer told me a story about his childhood in michigan. he told me he saved his allowance to buy two puppies. when he did he took them often in the mountains for walks etc. well in a few years, the female dog was attacked by a mountain lion and died. then the boy dog was so grief stricken he later died where the girl dog was burried. "to this day a red fern grows there."

sound familar?? he got me. i had never heard that story, and totally believed him!! little skunk. at that moment, i knew he'd have a role in my life.

well fast forward ten years and here we are. several moves, a new career, 3 children, and the list goes on. he is my absolute everything, and i am so thankful for him. he knows everything about me, and is okay with it.

i love you lt. herkimer.


Erica said...

Aw-sweet tribute. I remember that girl too but I always knew the potential you had-that we BOTH had. Thanks for always being there for me.

Kirsti said...

This was very fun to read. I can just picture Brad telling you that story. I know he would have pulled my leg and I've read that story!

Kass said...

I loved hearing some of the scoop from those years gone by. You two are a great couple! I can just see Brad telling that story. So awesome.

Minwimm said...

I can't believe you never read Where The Red Fern Grows?! Great tribute to your hubby.