what a year!! i can't believe it's been a year. breonna was alot of firsts for us. our first total surprise. i know i always make fun of people for saying that, but biologicaly, there is no way i should have got pregnant. our first for finding out the sex before delivery, and my first epidural. i would highly recommend the later. five weeks after she was born brad went to ok and we travelled up to canada. looking back, all i can say is i white knuckled it. my mom and brother came and helped and thank goodness. five months later we packed up again and white knuckled it to utah to meet up with brad. so great to be together again. what changes all the girls made in that short time. then we left utah and made our home in texas. and our little breezy has turned one. what a cutie! she's got heaps of curly hair, and the herkimer girl blue eyes. it's sure fun to have her around. happy birthday stinker!!
- sleeping children
- freedom of religion
- a close family
- humor
- a hard working husband
- nursing breonna
- a brave six year old
- a helping family
- crisp mornings
- a loving mom
- freedom
- chocolate
- priesthood power
- brad {sigh}
- healthy children
- king bed
- healthy body
- food and shelter
- friends all over the world
- a car
- technology
- a wonderful family in ogden
- all our family members
- the gospel
- tylenol
- gravol
- friendly neighbors
- telephone
- christmas season
- prayer
- sleep
- miracles
- patience
- doctors
- thunderstorms
- music
so cute! It seems like just yesterday you were all here!
She's the cutest one year old I know!! I love the picture of you in the background... Ha ha ha! Happy Birthday Breezy!!!
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